About me
Hello, this is your webmaster speaking. Call me Coby Cat, or Fox Simile. Any resemblance to a certain popular rodent is purely intentional! My neighborhood in the global village is Europe (in a house called Belgium), but I try to keep a cosmopolitan outlook. My interests are pretty broad, but in the context of this site they often circle around pop and consumer culture.
🔄 Coming Full Circle
I started creating websites during my childhood, using Freewebs for hosting. Sadly, those early sites are long gone (and the internet culture that they belonged to), but here on Neocities, I’ve come full circle. Though you might be wondering why I even bother, haha.
🎠Nostalgia & Reinvention
I’m deeply nostalgic, but I also believe in vintage aesthetics, not vintage values
. My life has been a
bit of a rollercoaster—at some point, I moved away from the things that once brought me joy, searching for
deeper meaning. Unfortunately, the paths I followed led to burnout, and I realized the real treasure had been
right where I left it. I try soothe my woes in the sweet nectar of nostalgia, yet I also find renewed
inspiration in the (perhaps naïve) optimism that marked my formative years.
Rekindling my childhood interests helped me find balance again. But I’m not interested in merely preserving the past—I want to transform it creatively. I curate and cherry pick with much gusto, but I also want to create!.
💪 Handcrafted website
My website is largely made by hand, barring a little Python script that aides me with constructing my blog feeds. The visual design tries to emulate something you'd see around the year 2007, taking cues from The Skins Factory's designs for Disney for example. But unlike the way it was done back then, I try to do it primarily with modern day CSS, as a challenge.
The wordmark in my sidebar was made with Blender, while vector-based illustrations are made with Inkscape,