List of links

A selection of links from my bookmarks, presented in a somewhat ordered fashion. As regular search engines tend to forget the older web, link pages such as this one offer a potential alternative.

I don't necessarily endorse all of these. Merely holding my interest for a bit is often enough for me to bookmark something.

A selection of specific articles can be found on a dedicated page. The same goes for specific videos.

Please also check my button wall to discover directories this site is part of as well as some cool personal websites



Vintage Alice in Wonderland
Blog about vintage Alice in Wonderland merchandise.
Song of the South fansite
Background information and memorabilia related to the controversial movie.
Numidian Prime
Breakdowns of Star Wars continuity.
The Comparamatrix (by yours truly)
Comparison of bonus features tied to home video releases of Disney animated classics.


TaleSpin Sourcepage
Archived fansite about the TaleSpin cartoon.
Gargoyles: Station Eight
Fansite about the Gargoyles cartoon.
Mighty Ducks: Saurians Suck
Fansite about the Mighty Ducks cartoon.


Calisota Online
Wonderfully dated fansite about Disney comics.
Carl Barks fansite
Very thorough fansite about Carl Barks. The navigation with dropdown lists is atrocious, but the content… the content makes up for it a thousandfold.
A vintage Don Rosa fansite.
Another vintage Don Rosa fansite.
Feathery Society forum
Messageboard about Disney comics.
Page 42
Scans of games and paper models from the German Micky Maus magazine.
The Disney Comics mailing list
Archive of a mailing list about Disney Comics.
The Disney Comics database.


Lucasfilm EGA adventures
This site makes a case for the original EGA (16-color) versions of LucasArts games.
Monkey Island Ultimate Talkie Editions
A project to use voices from the special editions of Monkey Island games to create “Talkie” editions of the original DOS versions.
WALL-E fangame
A pretty obscure Wall-E fangame that was never finished. I wanted to highlight this because of the surprising lack of Disney fangames.
Disneyland Steam Locomotive Simulator
A very realistic (and thus complicated) simulator of the steam locomotive at Disneyland.
Pirates Online Preservation Project
A preservation project covering both the original Pirates of the Caribbean Online and its fan-made revival.

Theme parks


A classic fansite that now itself is haunted by the death of Adobe Flash.
Haunted Dimensions
This Haunted Mansion fansite offers some paper models.
Better Haunts
Another Haunted Mansion fansite.
Dead Men Tell No Tales
I remember this Pirates of the Caribbean fansite being pretty big around the same time as Doombuggies.
Designing Disney
Site that aims to dive deeper into the art of Disney parks.
Dapper Dans Tribute
Tribute site to Disneyland's barbershop quartet.
Endor Express
Site focused on the Star Tours attraction, though it takes frequent detours to Star Wars and Disney theme parks in general.


Secrets of the Temple of the Forbidden Eye
Lovely crusty Angelfire website dedicated to the Indiana Jones ride.
Adventure Thru Inner Space tribute site
Tribute to a defunct attraction. Uses Flash for menus.
Disneyland Club 33
Lots of information about this exclusive club for people with way too much money.
Disney Cast Magic
A shrine to cast members in costume.
The Lion King Celebration
A page all about a parade that ran for just three years.
"Aladdin: A Musical Spectacular" Fan Page
About the Broadway-style musical theatre show.
Walt's Apartment
Blog about the history of Disneyland.


Virtual Toad
A computer animated reconstruction of the defunct ride. Requires QTVR.
Thai Cast Members of Walt Disney World
A pretty obscure but unique perspective on working at Walt Disney World.
Animal Kingdom Virtual Tour
A guided Virtual Tour of Disney's Animal Kingdom.
Disney's Celebration
A professor's information collection on the new urbanist town.


Ravenswood Manor
A now defunct fansite dedicated to the Phantom Manor.
Disneyland Paris Food Guide
Lovely vintage design, but still sees some updates every now and then!
Castle Club
The most luxurious section of the Disneyland Hotel.


Chris's Tokyo Disney Resort Fan Site
Very in-depth site that also covers closed attractions.


Bill Cotter's website
Great source, especially on Disney's original television shows.
The Disney Experience
Dedicated to both crafts projects and computer customization.
Emmy's Disney Center
Lovely time capsule of old web design and graphics.
Duckman's WDCC Inside Report
About the Walt Disney Classics Collection sculptures.
New Mickey Mouse Club Renaissance Project
Site about the 1970s Mickey Mouse Club iteration.
Mike Peraza's Ink And Paint Club
Memories of animator Mike Peraza.
Mel Birnkrant Collection of Mickey Mouse & Comic Characters
Someome's extensive collection of vintage memorabilia, in an equally vintage site design.

Entertainment in general


Cartoon Research
Animation historian Jerry Beck's blog about cartoons new and old.
Animated Views
Often has the best reviews of physical releases of animation.
The Secret of NIMH Archive
Lovely time capsule of the Secret of NIMH fandom.


Harry Potter DVDs: Widescreen vs. Fullscreen
Often both the full-screen and wide-screen version of the first two Harry Potter movies show unique things.
Hi-Fi Writer
This used to be me go-to resource for Blu-Ray comparisons, haha.
DVD Beaver
Extremely confusing to navigate, but their comparisons are very detailed!
Boutique Blu-Ray Wiki
Preserves some content that got removed from Wikipedia.
LaserDisc Database
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Ultimate list of Laserdisc titles that are significant
Sometimes LaserDiscs still have something later releases don't.
EYE SCREAM: the complete guide to Kubrick's The Shining
Unreasonably deep dive into The Shining.
Art of the Title
Dedicated to title sequence design in film and TV.


Comic Book Grammar & Tradition
This page is probably what started my admiration of comic book lettering done properly.
Gotham Alleys
Blog about the film adaptations of Batman.
Legacies of the DCAU
Fan-made comic series that tries to fill in the gap between Justice League Unlimited and Batman Beyond.
Seduction of the Innocent
Website that collects material related to the crusade against comic books in the 1940s and 1950s.


Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music
An interactive online guide, though I can't speak for the accuracy.
Bubblegum Dancer
Database about Bubblegum Dance music.
The Eurodance Encyclopaedia
Exactly what it says on the tin.
The CD+G Museum
All about the tragically under-utilized ability to put graphics on CD.
Reviews of film soundtracks, with a wonderful elaborate design you don't see that often anymore.


The Vernian Era
About the works of Jules Verne and the adaptations thereof.
Jules Verne Collecting
A resource for collecting the books and ephemera related to Jules Verne.
The Harry Potter Companion
Chapter-by-chapter guide.


Tanooki Site
Stunning site about video game esoterica, but only while adding this description did I realize it was made by that one YouTuber.
Ultima Ratio Regum
Never actually played this, but I like the notion of entire cultures and religions being procedurally generated.
The Mane Quest
Horses! In video games!
Brick by Brick
Ardent analyses of Castlevania, Souls, Bloodborne, and architecture.
Mostly known for his retro gaming projects, but check out his 3D chess renders!
Mega Drive PAL-60 Project
Region shenanigans with regards to the Sega Mega Drive.
BS Zelda Home Page
Information on the Zelda games for the Satellaview.
Legends of Localization
Deep dives into video game translation and localization.
The driven to maturity threshold is honestly ridiculous, but the list is strangely fascinating.
Sega Retro
Extensive Sega wiki.
Sonic Retro
Extensive Sonic wiki.
The Green Hill Zone
This was my go-to Sonic resource when I was just a lil' Koby Kitten.
Junior Adventures Network
Forum about Humongous Entertainment games.
The Ultimate Guide to Sonic Adventure DX Sins
Documents downgrades compared to the Dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure.
NiGHTS into Dreams fansite
The foremost NiGHTS fansite, which I fondly remember from my childhood.
CD-ROM Journal
Blog about obscure CD-ROM games.
Larian's KIC
Recreations of that time Larian Studios made virtual worlds for kids.
Museum of girl-marketed games and electronics, which are always underappreciated in more mainstream sources.
Supper Mario Broth
Neat blog that focuses on Mariop miscellanea.
Jefklak’s Retro Game Codex
Opinionated and very personal write-ups about retro games.
Collection of shrines dedicated to various RPG games.
Club Nintendo Archives
Little site about the British Club Nintendo magazine.
Chao Island Info Center
Fansite about the Chao from the Sonic series.


Blue Moon Falls
Website about classic Pokémon games.
Buried Relic
Resources for playing Gen 3 Pokémon games.


BioMedia Project
Bionicle archive.
Free Universal Construction Kit
3D-printable parts to connect pieces from various manufacturers.
Versa Bricks
Product that allows you to connect LEGO, Hot Wheels and K'NEX.
Fx Bricks
Bricks that light up!
The Reinvention of Lego
Passionate rant I don't necessarily agree with. I fondly remember some of the themes criticized.
Very idiosyncratic Bionicle fansite.
Drop A Brick
Blog diving deep into early Bionicle.

Art & Fan Art

Art by Kosperry
Very unique Bluth-inspired art!
Vintage fursuit collection
Website dedicated to vintage fursuits and furry artwork.
Hauntingly beautiful vaporwave renders.
Trey Trimble
Little nostalgic vignettes, often with a twist.


Windows Media Player Skins Archive
Exactly what it says on the tin.
Windows Media Player Design Showcase
More Windows Media Player skins.

Miscellaneous entertainment & pop culture

The Adventures of Superman
Fanedits of the 1940’s Radio Show The Adventures Of Superman.
Stupid Kid Show Area
Various odds and ends related to children's television.
Never Was Magazine
Blog about Steampunk and Dieselpunk.
Otaku World
Desktop toys and other software related to anime.
Pleasantly dated website dedicated to Sea-Monkeys.
Long-running Power Rangers fansite.
Toy Rescue
3D-printable spare parts to repair toys.
I Can Break Away
Blog about pop culture and Polynesia.
Atomic Magazine
Archive of a retro revival magazine that ran between 1999 and 2003.
Rockabilly Lifestyle
Community dedicated to the Rockabilly subculture and adjacent phenomenons.


Marginalia Search
As far as I'm concerned, this is by far the best search engine for actually finding interesting (English) sites to browse.
Jeffrey Stephenson ComputerDesign
Interesting computer case mods that resemble vintage radios.
Tabberone's Trademark & Copyright Abusers' Hall Of Shame
This product of frustration is so fascinating to me, even though I've never even sewn or embroidered anything.
Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute
Community that seeks to define and catalogue consumer aesthetics.
Fonts In Use
Lots of examples of famous fonts actually being used.
Xah's Keyboard Guide
Something quite appealing about all those wacky ergonomic keyboards.
Mr. Breakfast
Breakfast recipes, products, history, lore, …
Reviews of breakfast cereals. Something that still fascinates me even though I haven't eaten any breakfast at all for years.
Indie Wiki Buddy
Makes Google slightly less useless by notifying you of alternatives to the rather user-unfriendly Fandom wikis.
Home Sweet Homepage
A comic about growing up online.
Micronational Banknote Museum
A collection of banknotes issued by micronations.