Original Characters™
Coby Cat

The one and only! This was a silly joke character that was originally called Fox Simile (after facsimile), but was renamed as a pun on copycat since not everyone is familiar with the word.
A facsimile, in case you didn't know it either, is an as exact as possible copy of something, and is also where the word fax comes from.
In case it isn't clear to you what this character is copying: it's Mickey Mouse. There actually used to be a genuine Mickey Mouse copycat character called Foxy. He starred in old Warner Bros. cartoons.
Coby is colored to resemble the way Mickey Mouse was often colored in merchandise in the 80s and 90s. I think it might be an airbrushed sort of design?
Rare Cobies

Other characters
Super-Flo / Flo Coesemans

This was actually my dad's one and only OC, which I somewhat inherited during my childhood. I've drawn him here according to my dad's original design, without my later embellishments. If I recall correctly, this superhero flies by flapping his big ears.
Why is he called Flo Coesemans? My understanding is that this was the name or nickname of some kid at my dad's school.
More characters coming someday.