
I'm working on this page to kinda help me properly understand and appreciate consumer aesthetics and new music genres. This is a bit of a catch-all that I will eventually split to separate pages.

Utopian Scholastic

Utopian Scholastic is a term that originates from the Facebook group Utopian Scholastic Designs from a pre-9/11 World to describe a prevalent aesthetic that was prevalent in the late 80s and 90s. A lot of the educational media I enjoyed made heavy use of this aesthetic, and the sort of optimistic embrace of the Fukayaman “end of history” it embraced is pretty fundamental to who I am as a person today.

Global Village Coffeehouse

While a very different style, the very notion of our interconnected modern world creating a global village sits in the same headspace as the end of history for me.

I strongly remember its digital counterpart. Some of the clip-art that came with Microsoft Office and the Curlz MT typeface, for example.

Vaporwave and adjacent



To be explore in more depth later on: