A New Beginning

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I've added a little blog to my site, as you'll have noticed (since you're reading this). You'll probably find notifications about site updates here, and some quick thoughts. Proper longform content I will probably reserve for regular pages, as I prefer their timeless nature. These pages are being generated automatically, a first for my site, but I'll spare you the dull details of all that techy nonsense.

I've been listening to Pangeapedia Plus again lately. Probably should buy the album one of these days, but international shipping is such a pain in the wallet. To get this new year off to a good start I'm embracing the bright-eyed optimism of the so-called Utopian Scholastic aesthetic. Let's pick up where we left off, and make 👏 history 👏 end 👏 again 👏.

A rather obscure part of my website that's not really easy to find except by stumbling upon it is my Visual Memories of Computing page. I probably made it too tedious to find. Some of the screenshots lead to subpages, others lead to relevant links. See if you can find the intended way of accessing this page! Eventually I'll be adding some other overviews like that. One about board games is in the works, for example.

One memory of computing not on that page is “Active Desktop”. Until the late days of Windows XP, you could set an HTML page as your desktop background. That was pretty fun, and I regularly made use of that back in the day.

For this first blog post I haven't really got any exciting updates to share. Based on some remarks by patrons of the 32-Bit Café a while back, I've overhauled my links page to include some context on the links. Links pages are my favorite part of personal websites, especially now that major search are flooded with low-quality results, so I want to make my own links page as good as it can be.