Royal Boch and Donaldson
Created by this Belgian company for the Belgian fashion brand Donaldson. Since I lack any catalogs or other material describing these, the names given are my own. Item types are determined by looking at Royal Boch's current offerings.
Good Morning
This collection is seen the most often. It was released both in blue and in green. I'm naming it «Good Morning» since those words appear in some of the decoration, though it's always possible another name was actually used when these were sold. It seems to be intended for breakfast use, and also includes some bathroom and possibly bedroom materials.
Milk and sugar are served together on a tray, as an essential part of a tea set.
You of course need something to hold the tea.
Similar jugs are described as water jugs on Royal Boch's website, but given the specific breakfast theme it might also have been intended for milk.
This is what the porcelain is labeled as underneath:Of course, to make use of this beautiful porcelain you need cutlery too!
Bathroom set
Maybe the cups were used for breakfast too, but it is more likely glasses would have been intended for that use.
Other collections
These appear far less often online.
Unidentified fancy collection
These seem to have been part of a fancier collection, perhaps for use with lunch or dinner rather than Good Morning's breakfast usage.
Modern collection
The plainer nature and the different label seem to indicate a clear wish to aesthetically differentiate this collection, which I've termed modern for now. Like “Good Morning” it came both in blue and green