Neverland's mansion
I really enjoy looking through pictures of Neverland, since it's so elaborately decorated, but I always found it hard to get a proper idea of how it was actually laid out. So I took a floor plan and the software Sweet Home 3D to construct a 3D model. So far, I've got most of the ground floor, and I'm already pretty happy with it. There's a lot of gaps though, so if you're a die-hard fan who knows a lot about the mansion, please hit me up so we can collaborate towards an improved model!
Ground floor

The furniture and decorations here are simplified approximations of what I saw in pictures, since I have neither the skills or time to make a full reconstruction. I just picked something that roughly resembled notable pieces of furniture, and colored it to somewhat match it. The intended use of this model is really just to be able to properly situate all the pictures of the mansion.
Entrance hall
Dining room
Living room
One of the sitting corners surrounds a large painting of Michael Jackson by Ralph Cowan, dated 1991.

On the painting you can read the text: I’m a multidimensional creature going thru the Earth experience to
learn in slow motion the consequence of thought.

An interesting detail is that the stairs leading into the living room show the logo of the Sycamore Ranch, which was what the ranch was called before Michael bought it.
Breakfast room
Note the sycamore on the railing again!
Family room
The library seems to have extended to the hallway right outside it.
“He loved to read. He had over 10,000 books at his house. […] And there were places that he liked to sit, and you could see the books with his bookmarks in it, with notes and everything in it where he liked to sit and read. And I can tell you from talking to him that he had a very — especially for someone who was self-taught, as it were, and had his own reading list — he was very well-read. And I don't want to say that I'm well-read, but I've certainly read a lot, let's put it that way, and I enjoy philosophy and history and everything myself, and it was very nice to talk to him, because he was very intellectual, and he liked to talk about those things. But he didn't flaunt it, and it was very seldom that he would initiate the conversation like that, but if you got into a conversation like that with him, he was there.”

Note the sycamore in the center of the fireplace!
Do you want to go back to the ranch?