Miscellaneous art

This lists also contains a few items that are technically part of my 32-bit sillies, but I am including them here instead because more original effort went into them and they don't require as much context.

A manatee wearing an orange spacesuit

Manatee Astronaut

Created for Manatee. It's a manatee dressed like Tintin and Snowy in the classic album Explorers on the Moon.

A digital painting of an ice rink

Ice Rink

A failed attempt to recreate the style of Hiroshi Nagai. It depicts an ice skating rink near me.

Please enjoy this at a higher resolution.

CoCa's Cola Adventure

When discussing JoJo's Bizare Adventure, abbreviating my nickname in the same way led to the creation of this sbubby.

Pajama Sam cover art, but with Steven Universe characters

Steven Universe in “Back to the Zoo and Homeworld Too”

The cover for a hypothetical Humongous Entertainment Junior Adventure featuring Steven Universe. A stock picture of Steven was reshaded to match the style of the Pajama Sam series.