
Hiya! Welcome to Coby Cat's humble abode. I'm currently sprucing up the place, so pardon the dust. There's already a bunch of articles on random subjects that interest me for some reason or another. And don't forget to check out the about page for some fun surprises!

If you're not a fan of flashy animations and such, no worries! While they rarely make an appearance here, I've got you covered. This site actually supports the prefers-reduced-motion media feature, so most of the animations are disabled if you enable that.

Just a heads up, this website is an ongoing project, so there's always something new and exciting in the works. Enjoy exploring!

: Thinking Big

This month's big article was written for the 32-Bit Cafe's latest Code Jam which is as of the time of writing still ongoing. Originally intended as a small section of my article on motion ride…  read more

: Silicon Dreams

My article about the the defunct Chinese Disney MMO got some juicy updates thanks to tips from a friend over on Discord. The installer is still around, and we can even extract 3D models! Best…  read more

: Mansion

Our tour of Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch finally continues into the mansion , aided by a 3D model I created. There's still a lot we need to cover, so if you're a die-hard fan who…  read more

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